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From a Railway Carriage

Glossary of the Poem

  1. Fairies /ˈfeəriz/ Meaning: Mythical beings are often depicted as magical and enchanting creatures.
  2. Witches /ˈwɪtʃɪz/ Meaning: Women who are believed to possess supernatural powers and practice sorcery.
  3. Bridges /ˈbrɪdʒɪz/ Meaning: Structures built to connect two areas separated by a body of water or a valley.
  4. Hedges /ˈhɛdʒɪz/ Meaning: Rows of closely planted shrubs or bushes forming a boundary or a fence.
  5. Ditches /ˈdɪtʃɪz/ Meaning: Long, narrow channels dug into the ground, typically used for drainage or irrigation.
  6. Charging /ˈtʃɑːrdʒɪŋ/ Meaning: Moving quickly and forcefully.
  7. Battle /ˈbætl̩/ Meaning: A fight or a conflict between opposing forces.
  8. Meadows /ˈmɛdoʊz/ Meaning: Open areas of grassland or fields, often with flowers and grazing animals.
  9. Cattle /ˈkætl̩/ Meaning: Domesticated farm animals, particularly cows.
  10. Driving /ˈdraɪvɪŋ/ Meaning: Moving forcefully or with great speed.
  11. Painted /ˈpeɪntɪd/ Meaning: Covered or decorated with paint.
  12. Stations /ˈsteɪʃənz/ Meaning: Places or buildings where vehicles, such as trains, stop for passengers.
  13. Whistle /ˈwɪsəl/ Meaning: A high-pitched sound produced by blowing air through a small opening.
  14. Clambers /ˈklæmbərz/ Meaning: Climbs or scrambles with difficulty or in an awkward manner.
  15. Scrambles /ˈskræmbəlz/ Meaning: Climbs or moves hastily and with difficulty.
  16. Brambles /ˈbræmbəlz/ Meaning: Thorny bushes or shrubs, often with blackberry-like fruits.
  17. Tramp /træmp/ Meaning: A person who travels on foot, typically with no permanent home or job.
  18. Gazes /ˈɡeɪzɪz/ Meaning: Looks steadily and intently at something or someone.
  19. Stringing /ˈstrɪŋɪŋ/ Meaning: Arranging or threading things together in a line or a sequence.
  20. Daisies/ˈdeɪziz/ Meaning: Small white flowers with yellow centers.


A. Consult a dictionary and find the meanings of the following words.

a. hedge – a fence made of bushes or shrubs

b. ditch – a long, narrow hole in the ground that is filled with water

c. troop – a group of soldiers

d. wink – a very short period of time

e. glimpse – a brief look at something

f. tramp – a homeless person who travels from place to place

g. lump – a large, heavy object

h. bramble – a type of thorny plant

B. Complete the summary of the poem with the correct words/ phrases from the box.

[so quickly, describes, experiences, a child, faster, crosses, amazement, speedy, daisy flowers, glimpse, battlefield]

Summary of The Poem ‘From a Railway Carriage’

The poet describes his experience of travelling on a train. He quickly describes the sights that he notices while travelling in the train. The train moves faster than fairies and witches. It runs like soldiers on a battlefield. The speedy train leaves behind bridges, houses, fences, and green fields.

The poet mentions that the train crosses all the scenes as quickly as the drop of rain. In one scene the train passes railway stations that looks like a painted picture. The poet also sees a child climbing steep ground and collecting berries. Further, he sees a homeless person who looks at the train with amazement. As the train moves forward, he sees some ladies in a village making garlands with daisy flowers.

The poet then sees a cart moving slowly on the highway. It is full of load and the cart driver is sitting on the top of the load. He also gets a glimpse of a mill and a river by its side. All these objects appear and disappear so quickly.

C. Answers to the questions:

a.What is the movement of the train compared with?

⇒ The movement of the train is compared with the movement of soldiers in a battlefield.

b. What does the speaker see in the meadows?

⇒ The speaker sees horses and cattle in the meadows.

c. What is the child trying to do while climbing the hill?

⇒ The child is trying to gather brambles while climbing the hill.

d. Why do you think the poor man looks at the train with amazement?

⇒ The poor man looks at the train with amazement because he is probably not used to seeing such a fast-moving vehicle.

e. What is the theme of the poem?

⇒ The theme of the poem is the fleeting nature of life. The poet is trying to capture the fleeting moments of the journey in the train.

Writing II

Imagine one of your friends has invited you to attend his/her success party. Write a reply letter to him or her.

Dear Raju,

I hope this letter finds you well. First and foremost, congratulations on your success! It’s truly a remarkable achievement, and I couldn’t be happier for you. Thank you so much for inviting me to your success party. I am honoured and excited to celebrate this special occasion with you.

Your success is a testament to your hard work, dedication, and talent. I have seen your determination firsthand, and it’s inspiring to witness your accomplishments. This party is well-deserved, and I am looking forward to being a part of the festivities.

Please know that I will be there to cheer you on and celebrate your achievements. It’s a joyous occasion, and I am grateful to share it with you. I’m sure the party will be filled with laughter, good company, and fond memories.

Once again, congratulations on your success, my friend. I am incredibly proud of you and all that you have accomplished. I will mark the date on my calendar and eagerly await the day of the party. Thank you for including me in this special event.

See you soon!

Warm regards, [Your Name]