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Direction is the process of instructing, guiding, counseling, motivating and leading the human resource to achieve organization goal. It is known as backbone management. Direction is Important elements of management without which nothing in the managerial process can he achieve success. In fact it is sum of all management efforts to attained the organization success of effectiveness.

According to Marshall E. Dimock “Direction involves determining the courses, giving orders and instructions, providing a dynamic leadership.” Direction includes main functions of management like motivation, leadership, communication, supervision and control etc which are possible only through effective direction.

Importance of direction:

a. Direction initiates action: Direction initiates action in the organization. A good plan, a sound organization, an able team of works may be useless and may not produce the desire results unless it is as directed in the right perspective.

b. Direction attempt to get maximum output: Direction indicates to get maximum output from individual in the organization. It utilize potentially and capability of each and every individual to attain organizational goal.

c. Direction provide stability and balance: Direction is main function of management. It provides stability and balance in the organization. Thus, it exits long period of time in this complex and dynamic environment.

d. Integrates efforts: To achieve efficiency and effectiveness in operational effort of all sub-ordinates must be integrated for the integrated effort direction is essential from top level to lower level.

e. Facilitates changes: Every organization must change itself according to the changing environment. To change the organization activities motivation is important for sub-ordinate which is possible only through direction.

Component of direction / Elements

a. Supervision: Supervision is one of the important components of direction. It refers to the direct and immediate guidance and control of subordinated in the performance to their tasks. It involves overseen and checking the work while it is being done. Supervision teaches the subordinates the way their tasks are to be performed.

b. Leadership: Leadership is another important components of direction. It is the activity of influencing others to do what the leaders wants them to do. It is the process by which manager guides and influences the work of others in attaining the specified goals. Leadership helps in guiding and inspiring influenced to perform well and accomplished the work.

c. Motivation: Motivation  is the most important components of direction. It is the psychological process of creating willingness to work and co-operate for the achievement of organization goals. The role of motivation is to develop intensity of desire in every members of the organization to work effectively and efficiently in his/her position. The task of creating effective motivation on calls for a proper appreciation of human behavior.

d. Communication: Communication is an important components of effective direction, communication means an exchange of facts, opinions, informations and emotions by two or more persons. Thus, it is most important function of management. It is continuous process. It never ends. A good systems of communication between managers and subordinate ensures the success and efficiency of direction.

Principle of leadership

a. People of leadership: The subordinates are influenced through the effective leadership. Thus, manager need to become effective leaders. So, that they can influence the activities of their subordinates. Organizational goals cannot be achieved without smooth function of subordinates.

b. Principle of unity: Multi or dual command creates conflict and confusion in the organization subordinates should get direction or command from one superior or one boss.

c. Principle of use of informal Organization: Informal organization can created under the formal organization. Communication can be effective within informal organization. Thus, manager should use of such informal organization to make direction effective.

d. Principle of communication: Effective communication between superior and subordinate plays vital role in the organizational effectiveness upward and downward or two way communication makes direction effective. Downward communication includes direction, order, supervision etc. Whereas in upward communication, employees can give feedback and express their feelings openly. So that direction is implemented effectively.

e. Principle of harmony: Direction enhances harmony between organization and individual objectives. Common interest must prevail over individual interest. Harmony of objective leads organizational effectiveness.

f. Principle of individual contribution: Appropriate direction technique enabled subordinates to contribute in maximum level. Organization cannot be successful without minimum contribution. Individual effort and contribution should be maximized by giving proper direction. Higher the Individual effort, more the productivity. Therefore, there must be good direction for maximum individual contribution.

g. Principle of efficiency: Direction should be appropriate to be efficient. Effective communication system and suitable leadership style enhance the efficiency of direction. An efficient direction supposed to be that direction which is accepted to the force without much of descent and dissatisfaction.

h. Principle of effective Management: Effective direction must motivate employees. Motivation creates willingness to work in employees. Employees must be motivated to work willingly in order to achieve organizational goal. If the employees are properly inspired and motivated they will contribute with maximum enthusiasm for the accomplishment of organizational goal.

Important question

  1. Define direction. What are the principle of direction?
  2. Discuss the important and components of direction?