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Concept of coordination:

Coordination is a set of human and structural mechanism designed to link part of the organization together to help to achieve the specified objectives. It is relevant for group efforts and not individual efforts. Co-ordination is a continuous and dynamic process. Co-ordination is the essence of management. It integrates the work efforts to achieve organizational goals. Effective Co-ordination is essential operation and successful completion of organization goods.

According to Henry Fayol,  “Co-ordination is to harmonized all the activities of a concern so as to facilitate its working and its success”.

Technique of effective Co-ordination

a. Simplified organization: The simplified organization structure, is one of the important techniques of good coordination. If the operation becomes complex, maintenance of co-ordination become difficult. In simple organization structure the duty, authority and responsibility can be easily define.

b. Voluntary co-operation: Co-ordination cannot he brought by force. These should be environment or voluntary coordination to bring effective communication. Thus, a manager should pay severe attention towards this and take initiative for co-ordination.

c. Effective supervision: It also plays an important role to bring co-ordination in one organization. Supervision is made effective by management by applying different technique of supervision. If the manager himself cannot supervise in big organization, he should appoint a capable person for supervisory work.

d. Clearly defined goal: Effective co-ordination can be brought in the organization, there should be integration among organization goal. Both the longterm and short term goals should be identified and defined.

e. Effective leadership: Coordination can be brought by effective leadership. Such leadership bring Coordination in organizational activities by making direction, motivation and communication effectives.If the leadership does not  becomes effective the organization remains only a meaningless group of people. I can’t perform works in coordinated way.

f. Harmonized programmes and policies: Coordination can also be maintained through harmonized programmes and policies such programmes and policies bring simplicity in mutual discussion and exchange of ideas. Thus, effective co-ordination can be maintained in an organization through harmonized programmes and policies.

g. Effective communication system: effective communication system is the key of coordination. Without effective communication coordination becomes impossible. If the communication system get into obstacles it cannot bring Coordination.

Importance of coordination.

a. Unity of action: Due to coordination there is a degree specialization division of work and good relation among large number of employees. It means it help to bring synchronization in the work of all persons and brings unity of action towards goals.

b. To bring efficiency and economy: The coordination help to avoid delay and duplicating activity. So, it save time and other energies. It brings efficiency and economy in the business activities.

c. Good relationship between management and staff: Coordination makes the good relationship between the management and staff as both the parties are free to share a view idea etc for accomplishment of goal. There is not only hard and fast rule implied in coordination due to this a good relationship is established.

d. Personal relation: Good personal relation is essential factors for organizational achievement. It promotes integrated activities. Better personal relation are also helpful in increasing the morale of employees which ultimately leads to jobs satisfaction and efficiency.

e. Maintain the discipline: A good coordination always maintain the discipline among the subordinates. As the subordinates always follow the direction, guidance of a good coordinator. Therefore, there must be good coordination system in an organization to carry out the duties in a discipline way.

f. Greater Accomplishment: If the efforts of employees are closely co-ordinated their total accomplishment will be far greater then the sum of total of Individual achievements. It increases total production by preventing duplication of work and efforts. Hence, to have grate great accomplishment out of individual effort coordination is needed.

Principle of co-ordination

a. Principle of direct contact: The activities of different individual can be coordinated through direct contact. Personal or face to face contact is the most means of achieving co-ordination. One special advantage of direct personal contact is that the concerned persons can discussed among themselves the idea and opinions leading to mutual understanding and co-operation.

b. Principle of early start: Co-ordination should start from the every beginning of planning and policy making process. There should be mutual consultation and discussion among the concerned official while preparing the plan itself. By this there would be agreement and commitment among the concerned official and it becomes easier to secure co-ordination at every stages. It also helps to improve the quality of plans.

c. Principle of continuity: Coordination is a continuous process. It never ends. It start from planning and ends with compensation of plan. If co-ordination is stopped the organization suffers a great loss. Thus, Coordination should be continuously maintained between departments, different activities, employees and management.

d. Principle of effective communication: Effective communication is one the important principle of effective coordination. Through continuous interchange of information, individual and departmental differences can be resolved. Further it help in discussing policies changers adjustment of programmes, future programmes etc. It also promotes discipline and strength authority.

e. Principle of clear definition authority and responsibility: A clear definition of authority and responsibility for each individual and department also provide effective coordination in an organization. It helps in reducing conflict among different position which is essential for sound coordination.

f. Principle of clear defined goals: The goals of the organization should be laid down clearly every manager in the organization should understand the over goals and the contribution by his job to do these goals. Unity of purpose is a most for achieving proper coordination.

Important Question.

  1. Define coordination.  Explain the principle of Co-ordination.
  2. Describe the importance of co-ordination in an organization.
  3. Explain the techniques/Elements of effective coordination in an organization.