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Introduction To Hotel

1. Explain the Types of catering establishment

The word catering is from the word “cater” which means to serve Catering refers to food and drinks service. Catering Industry is sometimes referred to as hospitality industry providing food, drinks and in certain section accommodation also. Modern catering not only includes food but it also includes “environment” that is food for pleasure, food for pleasure, food for test, etc.

There are number of ways of classifying catering operation such as primary and secondary, profit and non-profit, indoor and out door, etc. They can be classify on the basis of management, location, on the basis of client, demand of customers, etc.

Some of the popular types of caterings are discussed below.

  1. Commercial
    • Hotels: caterings located inside the hotel
    • Restaurants
    • Bar and Pubs
    • Popular catering
    • Fast food Restaurants.
  2. Transport Catering
    • Airlines catering
    • Railway catering
    • Cruz/ ship catering
    • Surface catering
  3. Welfare catering
  4. Industrial Catering
  5. Leisure-linked Catering

2.Define the Salesmanship

The difference between successful organization and failure is not the resources. It is the knowledge, efficiency, effectiveness of staff to sale the company service and products. It is not the potentials that make any company rich, it is their selling capacity that make them rich.

Salesmanship is the quality of staff to exchange company offer with customer. It is the ability to create revenue to the company. It is the quality of staff to create satisfied customers. Salesmanship is the art of persuading. It is an art of converting prospect into a customer. This art converts the ebdesire of people into demand. Need into demand and satisfy the demand. Salesmanship is to bridge the gap between buyer and seller.

3. Define the Voucher

It is a legal document issued by one organization to other to provide service. The first organization receives payment from the guest and request service agency to provide said service to his customer and bill accordingly. It proofs that the guest has made the payment. Now guest does not need to carry money. The receiving agency provides services as per the agreement and conditions mentioned in the voucher and bill the first agency. The voucher is a multi copy document. The original copy is carried by the guest to get the services and duplicate copy is sent to the service agencies. It cannot be used for money transfer purpose. It guarantees the service to the guest and payment to the service provider.

The agent must be very careful writing voucher as service and billing will bill on the basis of the terms and conditions mentioned on it. It is a legal document, so proper records should be maintained. As billing is done on the basis of the voucher and it involves foreign currency, so the records of used, unused and void copies should be kept properly.

4. Define the Attributes

Attributes means quality of the service quality. Hospitality is a show business. The personality, the appearance, dress, etc of a member of staff determines the quality of organization. Hospitality is service and service is provided by staff. So quality of the staff is the quality of service and quality of the product. As it is said that first impression is the last impression, so the dress, appearance, cheerfulness and the way of greeting are the first impression a customer receives. No matter how good the food and ambience are, poorly trained, untidy or rude members of staff can re antagonize customers. On the other hand, if the staffs are well-trained and befficient, they can, to a certain extent, make up for other shortcomings in the services provided.

5. Define the Catering

When people are staying away from home, whether for leisure or on business, they need a place that provides all the necessary comforts. They need a roof over their head that is accommodation, and they need food We and drink that is catering. The word catering is from the word “cater” which means to serve. In hospitality industry catering refers to food and drinks service. Catering Industry is sometimes referred to as hospitality industry providing food, drinks. Some time it also includes accommodation also.

6. Explain the Importance of Organization Chart to

Hotel is a business organization. It must be operated as an organized way. For the purpose of proper functioning an organizational chart is The developed to describe the responsibility, duty, position, etc. of every department and staffs. The chart explains the size of the business, mentions the different departments, their responsibility, flow of power and communication, etc. an

Sound organization structure is important due for the following reasons:

  1. Chain of Command: Organizational Chart supports administration by explaining the flow of command. It eliminates the duplication of command. It shows who the subordinates are and who are seniors
  2. Flow of Responsibility: By the help of organization chart, staffs will know their position in the organization, role, importance and they will know to whom and for what he is responsible
  3. Official Hierarchy: The organization chart will explain the official position of each individual staff. It explains the set up of the office. It helps to develop official discipline, which is most important for the successful operation of the business.
  4. Water Duty: The other important function of the chart is to explain the duty of each staff and his responsibility within the organization to fulfill the goal of the enterprise

Area of responsibility of each individuals and department is defined by the help of the chart. The clear demarcation of the responsibility will save the duplication of job and wastage of material and effort.

Harmonious Relation within different departments and between the employees, clear understanding of each one’s position and responsibility develops the friendship between the staffs and departments and will help to attain the business goal.

7. Explain the Welfare catering and its service

The word catering is from the word “cater” which means to serve. Catering refers to food and drinks service. Catering Industry is sometimes referred to as hospitality industry providing food, drinks and in certain section accommodation also. Modern catering not only includes food but it also includes “environment” that is food for pleasure, food for pleasure, food for test, etc

Welfare catering is non-profit organization providing food to the people. Some religious organizations have some provisions to provide substantial food. Offering catering facilities for religious purpose was started long time back in religious centers such as Dharmasalas, but the concept of welfare state was started only after 1948. The welfare catering includes  of hospitals, schools, college, the armed forces, YMCA, YWCA, etc. These type of organizations are also called institutional catering.

8. Explain the Hospitality and its service nature.

Literal meaning of hospitality is looking after guests or guests in a friendly and generous manner. Hospitality industry all companies involved in providing services for guests that is lodging, fooding and beverage and other recreational activities. This is the part of the tourism industry, which is the largest civilian industry in this modern world employing one out of every ten active workers world-wide. Hospitality is service industry. Being service hospitality has following natures taking care of includes

  1. Intangible: Services cannot be seen, touched, tested, felt, heard or smelled and measured but is realized by the receiver. Buyers cannot feel, test, service beforehand.
  2. Inseparability: In most of the services both the service provider’s and the customer must be presented for the transaction to occur. Service cannot be delivered to customer’s door through the channels of distribution. To receive service consumers are brought to the Point Of Service Delivery (POSD).
  3. Variability / Heterogeneity: Services are highly variable. Each consumer perceives service differently each time. The quality of service not only depends, how when, where and by whom they are provided but also how customer receives it.
  4. Perishability: Service cannot be stored. Unused service of today cannot be sold next day. Service cannot be produced and stored and sale from a shop when a customer is ready to buy.
  5. Service is a process: Service takes time to deliver or consume. Buy and sell is “not one time one action”. Marketing and sells is extended to the end of consumption. To receive service consumer not only pay money but also devote time.
    • . Service is based on duration. Tangible goods are measured or w weighted but intangible goods are measured on duration. It needs to be consumed within agreed time duration.
    • Sale does not mean change of ownership.

9. Explain the Air catering in Nepal.

The word catering is from the word “cater” which means to serve. Catering refers to food a and drinks service, Catering Industry is sometimes referred to as hospitality industry providing food, drinks and in certain section accommodation also. Modern catering not only includes food but it also includes “environment” that is food for pleasure, food for pleasure, food for test, etc.

Air Catering is a transport catering. It is the service provided during flight. Generally airlines does not own restaurant or food factory. They do agreement with some catering companies. The catering company the will   provide food in special containers but service during the flight is done by airlines staffs. The catering is also serve the transit passengers, or if flight delayed. Specially trained staffs serve food during the flight.

10. Define catering and explain outdoor catering.

The term catering refers to providing food and beverage. It is to provide food for pleasure. It has two aspects preparation and presentation and service in special style.

Catering services are of different types according to the service they provide, for example commercial catering, such as restaurant and hotels, Transport catering, welfare catering, etc. Among them one is outdoor dering.

Outdoor catering is to serve in a place as per the requirement of the guest. It is a temporary set up for providing food. The place, type of the food and service is as per the requirement of the guest. It is to provide catering service on contract basis. This type of service is generally organized for special functions such as weddings, celebrations, etc.

11. Define hospitality and state its sectors.

Hospitality is to take care of guest. It is to provide service, friendship, trust, etc. It is a human relation done by one person to another. In hotel industry hospitality is the service provided by staff to the guest. It to receive, make their stay enjoy, relax in the hotel, so that the guest will return with sweet memorable experience. It is to provide a pleasant environment by available facilities and activities.

A hotel has different sections specialized for different functions. The hotel is known as a place to stay and food. To stay or for accommodation two departments Front Office and House Keeping departments are  responsible. For the purpose of production Food Production and Food and Beverage Service departments are there. In this way a hotel has four sections they are

  1. Housekeeping: This section manages and maintain the cleanliness of the guest room and public areas like lobby, passage, flower arrangement etc. This unit is responsible to every aspect of a guest room that is to provide all the required materials in a room and maintain security.
  2. Front Office: This section is responsible public relation, reservation, to registration, reception, maintain records and to collect dues. This unit receives the guest, do check-in and provide information and communicate with other concerned service units such as food and beverage, housekeeping, lobby, account, etc. This unit manages room keys.
  3. Food and Beverage Service: The main job of this department is to prepare food and serve the food. This job includes food planning and of the groceries. They calculate the cost price and prepare menu and try to maintain cost control. Their service part includes maintaining hygiene. Their most important job includes serving the food beverage. This department is divided into two different jobs; Food Production and Restaurants.
  4. Food Production/ Kitchen: This department is responsible for production of food. It prepares the food and get ready to serve. They make purchase, specification, maintain stock, develop new idea find out the cost and develop menu. They must manage waste and maintain proper hygiene. Above sections are supported by marketing, account, engineering, human resources departments.

12. Make a list of eight international chain hotels and underline the two operating in Nepal.

Chain hotels are the hotels operated by the same name at different places. Some of them are chain-owned or owned by individually but managed by the chain. They want to share the goodwill and save marketing effort. This type of management contract to share market is known as franchising. Some renowned international Hotel Chains are:

  1. Hilton
  2. Holiday -Inn
  3. Radisson
  4. Ramada- inn
  5. Is Ritz Carlton
  6. Oberoi
  7. Crown Plaza
  8. Hyatt Regency

There are many more to count among them some of them are also operating in Nepal. Among them two international chains are Crown Plaza, and Hyatt Regency.

13.Explain various types of transport catering.

The word catering is from the word “cater” which means to serve. Catering refers to food and drinks service. Catering Industry is sometimes referred to as hospitality industry providing food, drinks and in certain or section accommodation also. Modern catering not only includes food but it also includes “environment” that is food for pleasure, food for pleasure, food for test, etc.

There are number of ways of classifying catering operation such as primary and secondary, profit and non-profit, indoor and out door, etc. They can be classify on the basis of management, location, on the basis of 16 client, demand of customers, etc.

Some of the popular transport caterings are discussed below.

  • Airlines catering
  •  Railway catering
  • Cruz/ ship catering
  • Surface catering

14. Explain  large hotel showing various departments with the position of the department heads.

A hotel has different sections specialized for different functions. The hotel is known as a place to stay and food. To stay or for accommodation two departments Front Office and House Keeping departments are responsible. For the purpose of production Food Production and Food and Beverage Service departments are there. In this way a hotel has four sections they are bla

  1. Housekeeping: This section manages and maintain the cleanliness of the guest room and public areas like lobby, passage, flower arrangement etc. This unit is responsible to every aspect of a guest room that is to provide all the required materials in a room and maintain security.
  2. Front Office: This section is responsible public relation, reservation, registration, reception, maintain records and to collect dues. This unit receives the guest, do check-in and provide information and communicate with other concerned service units such as food and beverage, housekeeping, lobby, account, etc. This unit manages room keys.
  3. Food and Beverage Service: The main job of this department is to prepare food and serve the food. This job includes food planning and management of the groceries. They calculate the cost price and prepare menu and try to maintain cost control. Their service part includes maintaining hygiene. Their most important job includes serving the food beverage. This department is divided into two different jobs; Food Production and Restaurants.
  4. Food Production/ Kitchen: This department is responsible for production of food. It prepares the food and get ready to serve. They make purchase, specification, maintain stock, develop new idea find out the cost and develop menu. They must manage waste and maintain proper hygiene.

Above sections are supported by marketing, account, engineering, human resources departments.

15. Define hotel and explain its types according to location.

The word hotel originated from the word “hostel” and again the word hostel originated from the word “host”. The literal meaning of host is the guest. So hotel is the place which takes care of the guest .The dictionary defines hotel as “a place which supplies board and lodging” or” a place overnight  for the entertainment of the travelers. “. Hotel provides accommodation meals and refreshments for those who reserve such facilities.

Hotels may be generally defined as “places which provide furnished, and serviced accommodation in return for payment”.

A hotel or Inn is defined by British Law as a “Place traveler can receive food and shelter, provided he is in a where a bona fide position to pay for it and is in a fit condition to be received”. Hence a hotel must provide food and beverage and lodging to travelers on the right to refuse if the traveler is drunk or in disorder or is not in a payment and has, in turn position to pay the money.

A hotel is an establishment, which supplies board and lodging by the intention to earn profit, where all persons are stipulated price for their accommodation; that is furnished or a place to sleep or prepared to pay a occupy. They occupy with or without contract as to duration but it should not be permanent. The Hotel may furnish quarters and facilities for assemblage, conference, provide supporting.

According to the World Tourism Organisation tourist accommodation is used to denote the facilities operated for short term accommodation of sa guests, either with or without service against payment and according to fixed rates.

There are different types of hotels operating. On the basis location they can be classified as:

  1. Hotels: International hotels are the modern western style hotels located in cities and in tourist centers.
  2. Resorts: Rest, relaxation and entertainment are the objectives of a resort. The resort hotels are built near the sea, mountain or around the natural beauty. They give a special welcome and an atmosphere of informality. Their main emphasis is on recreational facilities. Their 900 clients are mostly of considerably income, looking for relaxation and recreation. Resort hotels are located outside the crowded city area. Resorts are of various types like summer resorts, winter resorts, hill resorts, jungle resorts, all seasons resorts, health resorts, river side resorts, etc.
  3. Commercial/Business Hotels: These hotels are located in the important commercial business or industrial towns and cities. Their main concern is the businessmen. They provide different services like business center, secretarial services, conference, etc.
  4. Residential Hotels:  These hotels can be considered as apartment house complete with hotel services. These hotels are mostly located in big cities and operate on room only basis. Services and amenities bas provided in these hotels are like a home.
  5. Inn: These hotels are mostly located just outside the city limit. The clients of these hotels are those peoples who are looking for relaxation and recreation.
  6. Lodge: These hotels provide lodging facility only. They do not provide food. They are also known as guesthouses. Their main concern is the budget tourist and they are located in the main tourist areas.
  7. Motel: Motels or Motel hotel are made for local motorists or foreign and tourists travelling by road. These types of hotels are mostly located ale along the high way and preferable at an important road junction. They are designed to serve the needs of motorists with parking, garage facilities, accommodation, restaurants, filling stations, repair services,
  8. Downtown Hotel: It is located in the heart of the city within a short distance of the business center, shopping areas, public buildings, etc. Rates in these hotels are normally high. Normally business clientele prefer such hotels.
  9. Airport Hotel: As the name suggests, these hotels are situated at the airport and are ideal for transit passengers who have only few.
  10. Suburban Hotel: They are located in the suburban area.

As tourism is related with service/facilities so different establishments provide different types of accommodation facilities and are known by different names. Capsule hotels are popular in Japan, Floating hotels are developed in the water, Village hotels are located in the village environment, Firm houses are located in the firm, etc. are also popular types of hotels.