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Globalisation and Diaspora Exercise : Question Answers and Grammar

Ways with words

A. Choose the words for the following meanings.

a. the severely damaging or destructive effects of something


b. someone forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster


c. to face a difficult situation


d. take a position of power or importance illegally or by force


e. the process of becoming a part of a group, country, society, etc.


f. an area within a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct


C. Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the brackets.

a. I asked him if he was attending the ceremony and he shook his head ‘no’. (shook/moved/

b. They made a horrible decision which caused irreparable damage to our company.

c. The leaders need to break down barriers so as to create favorable environment in the nation.

d. You ought to talk to the manager to settle the dispute. (solve/settle/clear up)

e. Perhaps this issue will not get much media coverage(security/examination/ coverage)

f. This week is the first week of Joan as an in-charge. Everything is running smoothly.

g. I haven’t read the text thoroughly, but given a quick glance. (fast/quick/rapid)


Answer the following questions.

a. Why did millions of Palestinians leave their country?

Millions of Palestinians left their country because their country had denied basic human rights to find a
better life and better economic opportunities.

b. How is the global culture formed? Is cultural identity possible even in the global culture? Justify.

The global culture is formed by the youthful generations who have grown up in the midst of massive technological

Yes, cultural identity is possible even in the global culture. Social media, street journalism, and
global transnational businesses all play a role in catalysing new global culture formation processes. Globalization
fosters cultural identity by creating a feeling of belonging. People are becoming increasingly worried about the
uniqueness and particularity of their own culture in the current age of globalisation. Thus, even in a global
society, cultural identity is conceivable.

c. Why can moving from one side of the world to the other be an economic challenge for newcomers?

Moving from one side of the world to the other can be an economic challenge for newcomers because integration
process needs time; starting from learning the language, integrating culturally, integration into the labour

d. How can immigrants foster economy at different magnitudes of scale in their new homes?

Immigrants can foster economy at different magnitudes of scale in their new homes by starting their own companies or

e. Can immigrants fully integrate in the new societies? Give reasons.

No, immigrants can’t fully integrate in the new societies because the society does not open its doors fully to allow
them to integrate.

f. Mention any two benefits of integrating into a new society for the immigrants.

– Migrants will have equal learning, engagement, and self-esteem possibilities.

– The receiving nations can improve their economic prospects by integrating immigrants.

g. Why should the immigrants run in concordance with global culture?

The immigrants should run in concordance with global culture because the cost of isolation and non-convergence is
higher and more damaging than integration.

Critical Thinking

a. Do you think that the local is globalized and the global is localized? Can there be the global culture as
well? Give examples.

Globalization is the process of increasing local businesses around the world whereas Localization is the adaptation
of a resource or product to fit the demands of one specific culture or locale. I think
local is globalized because local products, media, culture are now accessible all over the world. Similarly, the
global is also localized because local people can benefit from the global product and the local
culture. There can be a global culture among local peoples that is a by-product of globalization. People can feel
world culture in
different fields like education, sports, music, food, fashion, language, etc. Thus I think that local is globalized
and the global is localized.

Yes there can be the global culture as well. Some examples are listed below:

1. Creating a more homogenous world.

2. Attempt to promote a Western lifestyle and possibly Americanize the world.

3. Trend that will eventually make all of human experience and customs the same since all cultures are coming
together into one.

b. What is globalization? Discuss the effects of globalization on traditional cultures.

Globalization can be defined as the increased interconnectedness and interdependence of peoples and countries. It is
generally understood to include two inter-related elements: the opening of international borders to increasingly
fast flows of goods, services, finance, people and ideas; and the changes in institutions and policies at national
and international levels that facilitate or promote such flows.

A nation’s culture changes with economic development. One key fact is that people leave villages and agriculture for
cities. This itself changes culture – agricultural festivals decline. In Nepal, there used to be bullock cart – but
then tractors came in.
People used to write letters – and then the phone came. When texting rose with smartphones, voice calls declined,
and new cultural etiquette came up.
When electricity came in, evening life changed. When air-conditioning came in, people stopped sitting on their
stoops. When families had one TV, the family (and neighbors) sat around it. Now, everyone has their own screen.

So, the answer is that technology, economic development and foreign cultures do change local behavior – but core
elements of the culture may remain. So, we cannot say that globalization changes everything. But, some changes
are inevitable.

c. Discuss the impacts of globalization on the process and progress of education in Nepal.

Globalization of Education is the integration and application of similar education systems and knowledge throughout
the world across the borders, improving the quality & deployment of education worldwide. The impacts of
globalization on the process and progress of education in Nepal are as follows:

1. Globalization has improved the quality of education in Nepal. Due to globalization, Nepal got the opportunity to
witness the best education systems worldwide and thus could replicate it.

2. New methods of learning such as e-learning, blended learning was quickly adopted by due to globalization.

3. Due to globalization, foreign universities were established in Nepal. These universities helped many students in
getting a high-quality education. Moreover, foreign investments in the education sector also helped in improving the
facilities and infrastructure.

4. Education should develop empathy and understanding in students. Globalization has enabled students to develop an
understanding of other cultures, which is like a practical education.

5. Globalization made many people aware of human rights and the loopholes in the governance.

Thus, Globalization has helped Nepal in improving it’s education systems and literacy rate. However, not everyone
could benefit from the impact of globalization on education. Education inequalities must be bridged between
Rich-poor & urban-rural areas so that everyone can utilize the opportunities created by globalization.


Write a news story to be published in a newspaper about a local
festival/fair you have witnessed.

Dashain – Then and Now


Time brings change, and while that is mostly good and perhaps the only way forward, we wish something would remain
the same.

Dashain seems to evoke that sentiment.

There was a time when Dashain was a highly anticipated festival, and while the fun is still there, the vibe isn’t
the same. The memories of Dashain were more heart warming than how we celebrate the festival today.

Dashain holidays were all about meeting cousins, playing games and eating a lot of meat. While we still do that, the
charm and excitement have largely been lost because it’s not a new thing for today’s generation.

Today it’s more of responsibility than fun.

Before, eating rice and meat was a very big thing for the poor and used to happen only during the time of Dashain.

We used to fly kites and try to cut the threads of those from our neighbourhood. We would run after the kites as
they gently fell on the ground The first signs of Dashain were the kites appearing in the sky. Kite flying and also
playing on the swings were the most important and fun activities of this festival.

While we were kids, we used to sit in the lap of the elders on a large swing as we were scared. But now we can
clearly see the change. It is no longer a big deal to have food on the table and we rarely see kites flying in the
sky or the swings swaying in the fields.

We used to get new clothes once in a year during the time of Dashain, but now we buy clothes every month. There is
now no difference between the normal days and Dashain. Before Dashin created memories, but now it’s more like
capturing the moments. Dashain is more for the photos. It’s not a bad thing, but only giving priority to photos to
show off and not enjoy the moment is not good .

Before, so much value was given to blessings bestowed to us by our elders, but today children are only interested in
the money that is given as gifts. It’s not that today’s generation has completely forgotten the importance of
Dashain. But slowly, but surely the charm of the biggest Hindu festival is waning. The vibes and that feel are going

Lastly, change comes with time, and we should move accordingly, but we should never forgot our identity, our
traditions and festivals, which create great memories.


B. Complete each sentence using what/how/where/whether + one of these verbs:

a. Do you know how to get to Rama’s house?

b. I don’t know whether to apply for the job or not.

c. Have you decided where to go for your picnic?

d. Can you show me how to use this camera?

e. Ask Hari. He’ll tell you how to ride a bicycle.

f. I was really astonished. I didn’t know how to ride on the horse.

C. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb in brackets as in the example.

a. Mahesh forgets to close the windows. (tend)

Mahesh tends to forget closing the windows

b. Your car has broken down. (appear)

Your car appears to have broken down.

c. Ashika is worried about her exam. (seem)

Ashika seems to be worried about her exam.

d. They have developed the theory. (claim)

They claim to have developed the theory.

e. He’s enjoying his new job. (pretend)

He pretends to be enjoying his new job.