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Concept of filing:
Filing is the process of careful and systematic preservation of letters, documents, bills, reports, and other important writings for easy accurate timely and speedy reference. Filing can thus be understood as the basis of record’s management. Success of an office depends on, among other comprehensive, simple and efficient filing systems. Filing is an important function of an office. According to J.C. Deyner, “Filing is a process of arranging and storing records so that they can be located when required.”

Purpose of filing:

I. To gather and sort out documents: in and office letters, reports and other documents are received and dispatched daily. Therefore, the first important objective of filing is to gather them and carefully sort out the necessary ones to preserve for the future reference.

II. To classify and arrange documents: all the letters, reports and documents which have been sorted out have to be properly classified on some standard basis. Documents have to be properly arranged either in order of their subject matter or in a geographical, chronological and alphabetical order.

III. To preserve and store documents: all the letters reports and documents received and dispatched have to be safely preserved for the future purpose.

IV. To easily locate and readily avail documents: store documents have no change until they are easily located. Dear food documents have to be preserved and stored in such a manner that they are easily recorded and made available for your use. For this purpose, the documents app to be systematically filled.

V. To provide information for planning and control: reports and documents preserved in a file are the source of valuable information. They are the basis for decision making plan formalization policy making and controlling the results.

Importance of filing:

i. Preservation of records: Filing aims to preserve letters, reports and other documents organ possible loss damage. People may be damaged by dust, insects, fire and manhandling.  Filing helps to safely store documents.

ii. Facility for ready reference: filing provides a basic basis future reference of dealing with forms or individuals.

iii. Rapidity in performing office works: an efficient office system can out sign its competitors when it is rapidly performing its work. filing in apples and offices to locate the documents and perform the needed action very quickly.

iv. Following up: with reference to past dealings and correspondence, effective follow up with the parties such as customers, debtors, bankers, brokers etc. can be undertaken. As a result, the entire populations of the office can be enhanced.

v. Providing evidence: Disputes may occur in business dealings. Such disputes need to be settled with the evidence of past documents. Therefore, filing is important to provide in such an event.

vi. Maintaining goodwill and building image: the image and goodwill of an office can be enhanced by efficiently performing office works and providing quick service to visitors, employees, and customers based on past and present correspondence. The filing system is essential to maintain shots goodwill and image.

Qualities and essentials of a good filing system:

i. Compactness: a good system of filing must be compact. It should occupy minimum office space by taking the cost of space into account.

ii. Accessibility: accessibility is fundamental to filing. It must ensure an uninterrupted and easy access to the letter and documents preserved in the files.

iii. Economical: a good filing system most economical in terms of the cost of files and folders, tools and equipment. Besides, it must also be less expensive to install and operate.

iv. Simplicity: a good filing system must be simple in a way that mechanics of the filing system must be easily understood and operated even by less educated and non-skilled people.

v. Safety: a good filing system must ensure the safety and security of letters and documents from dust, dirt, rats, water, fire, etc.

vi. Flexibility: a good filing system should be flexible enough to accommodate changes. It must have the capacity to expand or contract with the need of time.

vii. Easy location for reference: a good filing system must easily locate the letters and the documents and when needed for reference with least possible effort.

viii. Cross reference: a good filing system must provide the cross reference of records. Cross reference helps in making the records available at more than one.

ix. Retention: A good filing system must indicate whether a letter or documents should be retained or discarded. Those records which are useful should be retained and records which have outlived their ability should be discarded from the filing system.

x. Classification: a good filing system was a type of proper system of classifying letters and documents. Proper classification of files and folders of letters and document help to identify when needed.

Types of filing:

1. Traditional filing: This system of filing is also called an old or conventional filing system. They were in use in the early days of an office. Some of them are still in use in offices where a small number of letters, reports and documents are filed. The is a very simple filing device and tools. Some important system of filing under this category are as follows:

1.1. Wrapped or bundle filing: this is perhaps the oldest type of filing. This type of filing is also called bundle filing. In this system, all written documents of a certain period such as a month or a year are ordered wrapped in a piece of cloth and tied up. Thereafter the month all year wise bundles are placed in wood planks or racks. For an easy and prompt location of this document, details of subject matter and cleared are clearly written in the wrapper using the role and blue inks. This filing system is still popular in courts and government offices.

Advantages of wrapped or bundle filing:

a. Simple and easy

b. Less expensive

c. Little chance of misplacing

d. Consumes little space

Disadvantage of wrapped or bundle filing:

a. Old and outdated

b. Unsystematic and on unscientific

c. Difficulty in locating

d. Lack of safety

1.2. Wire or spike filing: In this type of filing a very simple tool is used that is least expensive as well. A thick steel wire with one sharp end and wooden, plastic or iron round based. The other end is used for filing which can be kept on the table. Paper documents are then chronologically inserted in the spike or the wire for filing. This type of filing is still popular in some offices of private business, houses and banks in Nepal.

Advantages of wire or spike filing:

a. Simple and easy

b. Economical

c. Skill is not required

d. Small space

e. Minimum time

Disadvantages of wire for spike filing:

a. Unsuitable

b. Unsafe

c. Unattractive in unreliable

d. Non-durable

e. No secrecy

1.3. Cardboard filing: Cargo filing is another type of traditional filing system. In this system, a thick cardboard is used for filing the documents. On both sides of cardboard, only pair of thick places of sex with a pair of thick laces are fixed. Documents are usually placed one after another. The files are placed in a chronological order and are tied by a pair of laces. Generally subject ways are used for filing such documents.

Advantages of cardboard filing:

a. Less costly

b. Easy to operate

c. Safety in use

d. Preserve.

Disadvantages of cardboard filing:

a. Non-durable

b. Time consuming

c. Limited space

d. Loss of documents

1.4. Box filing: This is yet another traditional in the system. Boxes are used to file letters and documents. Such boxes and generally made by paper are called cardboard. Therefore, this type of filing is called cardboard box filing. However, such boxes are also made by using plywood and metal sheets. These files are made in the shape of a box which is seven to hundred cm in depth or height. The spring clip is fit upside this box to tightly hold the paper in these boxes. The documents are chronologically based one upon another. For every subject, separate boxes used. Search boxes may be stored on tables, cupboards and almari.

Advantages of box filing:

  1. Simple and easy
  2. New training required
  3. Economical
  4. Safety in use
  5. Protection

Disadvantages of box filing:

  1. Temporary system
  2. Not easy to locate
  3. Unsuitable
  4. Misplaced

1.5. Pigeon hole filing: This filing is also known as docket filing. Under this system, wooden or metal almari having several small components or holes is used for filing the papers and documents. In the compartment in the almari looks like a pigeon hole, this filing is called pigeon hole filing. The holes in the almari are vertically named such that the first hole up on the left of the first row is named. The hole next to b and so on. The last hole down on the right of the last row is named x, y, z letters document of the concerned person, firms and institutions are placed in their respective holds based on the first alphabet of their name.

Advantages of pigeon hole filing:

a. Simple and easy

b. Less expensive

c. Quickly available

d. Protection

Disadvantages of pigeon hole

a. Unsuitable

b. Limited space

c. Lack of secrecy

d. Time consuming

e. Misplaced

1.6. Press copy book filing: In this type of filing, only outgoing letters are preserved for the future reference. Inn this system, various latest return and this place during a day are copied out in a book called a letter book. This book is either arranged alphabetically or geographically. In earlier days when duplication of letter was not easy, all the letter dispatched were chronologically copied by a clerk in the concerned letter book arranged in an alphabetical order geographical order. Press copy book filing is an outdated system of filing.

Advantages of press copy book filing:

a. Full knowledge

b. Protection

c. Evidence

d. Easy of location

Disadvantages of press copy book filing:

a. Difficulty in reference

b. Difficulty in location

c. Lack of flexibility

d. Consumers long time

2. Modern filing: The filing system was involved and improved considerably over time to suit the changing needs of an office. Over the years, a system and styles of work of office have changed significantly. Therefore, the filing system is also bound to change taking place in the office. Traditional filing systems have become absolute and have a limited use in modern office today. Hence, the old system of filing has been replaced by the modern system. Some important types of modern farming system are discussed in the following ways:

A. Horizontal file system: Horizontal filing system is a modern type of filing system. In this system, documents or letters are chronologically placed in folders one upon another in a horizontal or flat position. Thus, the latest letter is placed at the top and the oldest is at the bottom. Horizontal filing is of two types:
Flat file: a flat file is made up of wood or thick paper. Each flat file is attached with a pair of metal plates or laces on the left hand side of it to tightly hold the paper. A pair of holes is made on the left hand side of each paper by using a punching machine. Then the paper is inserted into the clips or laces and clips are locked or leases are tied up tightly to hold the paper. In flat filing, papers are chronologically placed one upon another in a flat or sleeping position in a filing.
Arch ever file: in arch level filing, arch lever files are commonly used to preserve letters reports and other documents. Arch lever files are made of thick cardboard of a pair of arch shaped metal rods with a lever with locks and a pair of clips.

Advantages of horizontal filing:

i. Simple and easy

ii. Economical

iii. Minimum space

iv. Speedy reference

v. Safety

Disadvantages of horizontal filing:

i. Time consuming

ii. Difficult in locating

iii. Inconvenient in reference

iv. Limited capacity

v. Damaged

vi. Unsuitable

B. Vertical System filing: vertical filing system is the most popular type of filing in modern office because it is particularly suitable for larger offices. When many transactions take place every day, the last of his only have to keep separate records of individual firms and institutions. In such a situation, traditional filing and horizontal filing systems are not suitable. Therefore, the vertical filing system has emerged. In this system, letters and documents are kept in an upright or standing position in the specially prepared folder or file. Defining request, the following tools and equipment:

a. Drawer

b. Vertical filing cabinet

c. Folder

Advantages of vertical filing system:

i. Large capacity

ii. Flexibility

iii. Safety

iv. Less expensive

v. Readily available

vi. Universally applicable

vii. Secrecy


i. Higher investment

ii. Large space

iii. Not easy to operate

iv. Chances of misplacement

C. Vertical suspension filing: Vertical suspension filing is an improved form of vertical filing. In this filing drawer containing documents is fitted with a metal frame from which pocket folders are suspended. The size of the drawers are sufficiently high to support the suspension bars. The drawer of ordinary cabinets used in vertical filing can be fitted with suspension frames on which the suspension bars rest. There are two types of vertical suspension filing:

i. Flat topped

ii. Index tabbed


i. Easy location

ii. Universal

iii. Flexibility

iv. Quick location

v. Safety


i. Expensive

ii. Large space required

iii. Special skills and training required

D. Lateral Filing: Lateral filing is yet another system of filing. It is in fact A slightly modified version of vertical suspension filing. Since suspension filing needs more space to install and drawers remain open for use all the time, lateral filing is developed to overcome the limitations. This type of farming is becoming more popular in modern office today. In the lateral filing system, documents are filed laterally along the shelf, the pockets having index strips on the visual ends of the file.


i. Less space

ii. Quick location

iii. Saving of cost

iv. Flexibility


i. Higher investment

ii. Training required

iii. Unsuitable for small office

E. Open shelf filing: Open shelf filing system uses open shelf for storing files like bookshelves in a library. Files or folders are kept in open shelves either horizontally or vertically in a numerical order. The open sales can go up to ceiling level and between two rows of shelves, space provided for free movement of people. Ladders are also used where the shelves are high.

i. Economical

ii. Table for large office

iii. Time saving

iv. Flexible


i. Misplacement

ii. Lack of safety

iii. Unsuitable for small office

F. Electronic Filing: Electronic finding is a computer based filing system. It does not store physical documents, it stores all kinds of information electronically in hard disks, CDs, memory cards, etc. In an electronic filing system, the operator in tourist information from documents into a computer. It can contain a large number of information. Generally, it has no limitation required for information storing, it can be stored within a few seconds. It does not need a separate index. defining system is suitable for all types of officers.

Basis of classification of files:

1. Alphabetical filing: the method of filing based on Roman (English), Devanagari (Nepali) or any other alphabets is called alphabetical filing system. In this method, files and folders are classified and arranged in drawers on the basis of alphabets of the name of person, forms and institutions. This method refers to the arrangement of files and folders according to the way entries are made in a dictionary. Accordingly, files and folders are arranged in accordance with the requirements of Roman alphabet a, b, c, d………..z. Devanagari alphabet such as क, ख, ग, घ………ज्ञा. for quick location of files and folders, names of individual firms and institutions are written at their tabs.

i. Simple and easy

ii. No need of index

iii. Flexible

iv. Suitable

v. Useful for all documents

vi. Facilities grouping


i. Time consuming

ii. Confusing

iii. Difficult

iv. Location

2. Numerical filing: Numerical filing method is that method in which letters and documents are arranged in a numerical order. In this classification, file or folder is given a separate number and arranged in drawer in a numerical order. All documents relating to particular customer organisation object is placed on file or folder having distinct number. There are two types of numerical filing, they are:

a) Consecutive numerical filing: In this method, folders are strictly arranged in simple numerical order i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…… and so on. In it separate numbers given to each subject name and heading.

b) Dewey numerical filing: it is very popular particularly with libraries, to arrange books in racks. Which helps to reader to locate the particular book. This method is also helpful to group files of documents. In this method, documents are classified with each decimal digit to facilitate even sub-classification. For example, 1.2,1.2,1.3….


i. Suitable for offices

ii. Accurate

iii. Flexible

iv. Easy indexing

v. Easy reference


i. High cost

ii. Time consuming

iii. Not easy to arrange files.

3. Geographical classification of filing: Geographical filing method refers to the arrangements of documents according to towns, districts, zones, regions, countries and so on. While arranging files geographically, alphabetical arrangement will also have to be adopted.

i. Simple and easy to understand

ii. Speedy location

iii. Suitability

iv. Time saving


i. Expensive

ii. Difficult to arrange

iii. Time consuming

iv. Complex

4. Chronological classification of filing: Chronological filing method refers to the classification of files and folders based on the time of letters and documents received and dispatched. In this method, files and documents are arranged in an order of their date and time such as year, date, month, day or hour. In this classification, files or folders are arranged in strict date order and sometimes even according to time of the day.

i. Simple and easy

ii. Quick location

iii. Useful in accounting

iv. Economical


i. Unsuitable

ii. Not useful

iii. Too many files

iv. Difficult

5. Subject classification of filing: Subject wise method of filing is based upon the subject matters of correspondence. In this method, all the letters and documents relating to a particular subject are filed at one place and they are received from different sources and places. In other words, letters and documents at rest and arranged in files and folders subject to sub subject. In this classification, the files have been according to subjects like appointment, salary, stationary, states, etc.

i. Convenient

ii. Flexible

iii. Easy to operate

iv. Easy location


i. Not applicable

ii. Difficult

iii. Costly

iv. Time consuming

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