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Internet And It's Services

Internet And It’s Services

Internet :

It is a system of network where millions of computers all over the world under various network type are collected via TCP/IP. It is an information highway and provides information of various types through web sites. So, it is also called network of networks. The first internet is ARPANET developed by DOD in 1969 AD. 

Intranet : It is a private network which can be accessed by only special authorized organization and individuals. For example,  milinet.

Requirements for internet connections:

i. A computer system with SVGA monitor.

ii. A modem connected to telephone line or wireless transmission device.

iii. Internet application software ie. web browser

iv. Registration to ISP

Internet services :

Internet provides the following services:

i. www:–  It is a leading information exchange service of the internet. It links text, graphics, sound, video etc. files and display them via  single interface using http.  It helps user to interact with applications through dialog box and links. It is also known as web. It is developed by Timothy Berners-Lee.

ii. Email:-  Electronic mail( e_mail) is the process of sending and receiving message from computer to computer over the internet. It can transmit message in form of text, video sound ,graphic etc for communication.


 * It is cheaper, faster and reliable

* video, graphic and sound can be attached.

* Multiple  copies of the same message can be sent to  many person at ease.     

Disadvantages :

 * Real time communication ( at  the same time ) is not possible.

* Hacking and phi sing of message are possible threats which may trap and destroy our message. 

Email uses two protocols viz; POP and SMTP

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):It governs the transmission of email message from user computer to server and, vice versa.

POP( Post Office protocol): It governs the storing of email message in mailbox ie. inbox and outbox.   

 iii. IRC( Internet Relay Chat) : It is the service of internet which allows user to communicate in real time using text and sound. It facilitates user to talk with one or many friends on line. It is faster and  cheaper  methods of  communication.

iv. E-Commerce: It is the process of buying and selling products and service on line. Companies host the website which includes details about products, information, methods of transaction etc. the buyer sends the payment through credit card or visa card.


* Easy to expand market.

* Reduce the cost of holding stock

* Payment can be made via credit card or visa card.


·                    Feeling of insecurity of credit card may discourage the customers.

·                    Products can not be examined physically.

V. Telnet(Remote login) : It is a service of internet which allows user to access remote computer(host) from local computer online. For this, a user requires to supply password to login remote computer.

vi. File Transfer( FTP) :  FTP is a program that facilitates user to search, locate and  transfer a file or program from user computer to remote computers, and vice versa.

Uploading : The process of  transferring a file from user( local) computer to server( remote) computer on line is called uploading, and the reverser processing is termed as downloading.

The popular FTP programs are CuteFTP, WS_FTP etc.

vii. Video conferencing : It is the process of transferring video/sound/image and information to and fro between different persons located in different places from computer to computer  online. One can hear and see each other while communicating. It is useful for conducting meeting even members are not together. It requires headphone, web camera and speaker for communication. The popular software for video conferencing is Cu_SeeMe

viii. News group (Usenet) : This service allows group of internet users to exchange the view/ideas/information on any common topics. The topics may be any subject matter but should be common interest for all. One can post the information to the notice board using special software BBS( Bulletin Board Service). Then the message can be read by the members who belongs to the same new group. 

ix. E_fax:  E_fax is a program which allows user to send and receive fax message on the internet. By using fax application and modem, user can receive the message in hard copy. E-fax is run and governed by ‘’ server.

Difference between E-fax and E_mail

E-mail                                                                         E-fax

i. The message is stored n user computer.                   i. The received message is printed through printer

ii. It is managed by local server(ISP) or Yahoo          ii. It  is governed by ‘’ server

 or Hotmail or Gmail.

iii. It is cheaper.                                                           Iii. It is expensive

Terms Related to internet:

i. Web browser : It is program which enables to access internet ( locate site, download, display information on the screen.) . The act of viewing and moving documents and about different site on the net is called browsing.  It helps user to navigate and surfing information on the internet. The examples of browser are : MS Internet explorer, Mozila Firefox, Gopher, Netscape Navigator etc.

ii. HTML : It is a scripting language which is used to develop web page .It uses an instruction called tag. It can access text, animation link and images to be displayed on internet page.

iii. HTTP : It is a protocol which is responsible to display hyper text from html document to internet page.

iii. Web page. It is the collection of web documents stored in web server. It includes information on various topics under hyper link.

iv. Home page : It is the first page of website which contains index and link. It is the doorway to website.

v. Web site : It is the collection of related web pages hosted by any company or organization . Each company provides an address to view information from web site.

vi. Search engine : It is the web site which helps to search web site and information on the net on the basis of keyword or keywords. It sets a link to connect to the different sites. Examples:,, etc.

vii.URL : It is a unique address to locate the website  on internet. It is written as ‘http//’.

viii. Domain name and domain type :  (See example below:)


 here , dotm is domain name

gov  is a top domain level ( domain type)

np  is a country level domain